How Do You Feed the Cats in Help the Citizens of Beetletun

I can't feed the Eastern Ward Lion's Arch cat or the Beetletun cat. Anyone know why this is? I have the correct food in my inventory.

Are you sure you've got the right cat? Beetletun has several and Eastern Ward may well have more than 1. If it says the cat isn't hungry then it's not the right cat.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

"Life's a journey, not a destination."

Well, I was using the cats that were pictured on Dulfy's website. Does she have the wrong information?

Eastern Ward is the middle of the 3 cats, to the right of the inn

If it is the correct cat, and you've not fed it before, it will 'meow' when approached. It might even 'meow' if you've already fed it, I don't remember. But only the correct cats 'meow'.

Well, I was using the cats that were pictured on Dulfy's website. Does she have the wrong information?

No idea. I find the way she writes her guides hard to follow so I only use them when there is no alternative.

I used the list on the wiki and I found, and was able to feed, all of them.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

"Life's a journey, not a destination."

Are you feeding the cat that's meowing at you? If they're not meowing at you, it's not the right cat.

Asura characters: Zerina | Myndee | Rissa | Jaxxi | Feyyt | Bekka | Sixx | Akee | Tylee | Nuumy
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.

Or, maybe you try to feed them at the wrong time. I've noticed that in the Grove, for example, one kitten can fed during the night and the other during the day.

Or, maybe you try to feed them at the wrong time. I've noticed that in the Grove, for example, one kitten can fed during the night and the other during the day.

Those are the only ones tied to the day and night cycle. The others can be fed whenever you want to. I also had no problem with the Eastern Ward cat.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That's what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

In Beetletun, there are at least 2 cats near each other. One can be fed, the other can't

There is at least one new cat, at Castaway Circus wp in Ember Bay. It's an orange one. I have no food on me so I don't know what it wants.

Already documented on the wiki

John Smith: "you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome."

Ha! I saw that cat, and it even 'Meow'ed at me, and I never even thought about the 'cat' collection.

Silly me!

If the Devs keep adding cats to locations, will we (who feed them) all eventually become 'crazy cat ladies'? =P

(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)

If they want to go gender neutral they could use "Cat Wrangler" instead.

If the Devs keep adding cats to locations, will we (who feed them) all eventually become 'crazy cat ladies'? =P

No. It's just that our already existent tendencies got discovered.

Do the cats, in your home instance, go away after a period of time? When I initially ran through, collecting teh kittehs, I had a group of them playing tag with a snowball. Which was awesome. Several days later when I returned, I didn't see them anywhere. Do I have to consistently travel around, feeding them?

~ The Cult of the Six Symbols ~

No, they'll be there. Maybe the black kitties were napping that one time. Just wander around and listen for the GSSSH sound of the snowball hitting the ground.

Ha! I saw that cat, and it even 'Meow'ed at me, and I never even thought about the 'cat' collection.

Silly me!

If the Devs keep adding cats to locations, will we (who feed them) all eventually become 'crazy cat ladies'? =P

Already there, personally.

If they want to go gender neutral they could use "Cat Wrangler" instead.

I prefer "Cat Herder."

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Isnt being a cat herder something like counting grains of sand on a beach at high tide?

Isnt being a cat herder something like counting grains of sand on a beach at high tide?


Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

If they want to go gender neutral they could use "Cat Wrangler" instead.

I prefer "Cat Herder."

I'm familiar… or would that be I'm a minion? After all you never own the cat/s.

I came across 2 hungry cats in the new Ember Bay map that meowed at me. When talking to them it said they were hungry but didn't give a clue as to what kind of food they wanted.

However, 1 of the renowned heart vendors has 2 new cooking recipes that require 400 cooking to craft. I'm guessing maybe the cats what that.

There's something charming about rangers.

I prefer "Cat Herder."

In my guild we have a member who thanks all the officers after our weekly missions for 'herding cats' on TS. I'm sure we would all love 'Cat Herder' as an actual title, as would anyone who leads even semi-organised open world/WvW content.

"Even if we find a way to save the world from the
dragons, I sometimes wonder if we'll ever find a way to save us from ourselves."

I came across 2 hungry cats in the new Ember Bay map that meowed at me. When talking to them it said they were hungry but didn't give a clue as to what kind of food they wanted.

However, 1 of the renowned heart vendors has 2 new cooking recipes that require 400 cooking to craft. I'm guessing maybe the cats what that.


Near Bonfire: 3 Ghost Peppers, and only 3 (in Inventory).

Near Dread Shiny: Plate of Fire Flank Steak and (given first) Stranded Skritt.

Isn't a cat herder someone who curses up a storm on these forums?

Little red Lioka

Isn't a cat herder someone who curses up a storm on these forums?

No. That's a kitten spitter. (Someone who spits out a lot of kittens).

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

A cat herder is a Wvw pugmander. I would love the cat herder title.

How about 'Kitty Korraler'?

It's already funny how my norns home instance is a loft full of cats. I imagine the cats feel right at home in the charr home instance.

You know i'd love it if these quirky collections were mentioned in one of these living story episode

"Me? Wierd? I'm not the one who keeps bringing random strays home, Commander."

"Well, Cough Uh, enough on that topic."

Edit: you know, this kinda reminds me of how Hellboy has all of those cats in his room.

(edited by Carlin Sanders.3587)

I would love a cat herder title!

I've been called that in real life before because at various times I've had jobs that were a lot like herding cats (taking classes of 12 year old kids who have never seen the sea before on their first trip to the beach for example) and at other times literally herding cats. I'm not sure which was more hard work.

But on top of that my main character is a ranger who uses a stalker and frequently has a cat mini pet, so it would be very appropriate for her too.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

"Life's a journey, not a destination."

I love that you guys are on board with joining the Cat Herder Coalition™!

With libertreats and justfish for all!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

I'd love to see a 'Send to Guild Hall' option on them if you feed them on a different character lol.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Anyone know if it's only possible to see one kitten at a time? Because yesterday I could see the white kitten, but not the black one. Looked for it everywhere in my home instance, but no luck. :c Today though, I can find the black one but not the white. Is it some kind of night/day thing? Like when you feed them.

m e s m e r <3

Is it some kind of night/day thing? Like when you feed them.

Yes, it is. One kitten appears during the day only while the other during the night.

Is it some kind of night/day thing? Like when you feed them.

Yes, it is. One kitten appears during the day only while the other during the night.

I didn't know this, but it seems that:

At dawn and dusk the other kitten will arrive, they will meet each other, tag with a high five, and the previous kitten will leave.


Hmm, since I have fed the Ember Bay cats, the snowball hunting ones and the one that brings the dead bird is gone. Coincidence? Do the Ember Bay cats something special? I have so many now infesting my home instance, can make out individuals any more.
BTW, can we have dogs next time?

Member of The Guildwars Online Guild [GWO]
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)

^I've fed the Ember Bay cats, and the snowball cats and the dead bird cat (including the dead bird) were in my Home Instance today…and every other day (sans dead bird).

Maybe they roam around on some kind of random schedule?

With libertreats and justfish for all!

You need to spend less time with Dara ;D

I didn't know this, but it seems that:

At dawn and dusk the other kitten will arrive, they will meet each other, tag with a high five, and the previous kitten will leave.


Are you sure? Based on this I went in just before night fell so as to watch (like 4 minutes in advance). When I logged in the black kitten trotted out from under my feet and to its station in the DR market and I never saw the white one.

Maybe I needed to be there by 5 minutes before the change?

No idea. Got it off the Wiki. /shrug

So if a charr ranger (like mine) has all these cats in his home instance AND has battle cats that roam the world with him does that make it triple catception? Cause a cat owning cats owning cats is just plain catty.

I'm only a couple of cars away from having them all. It's a real giggle to see them in my home instance. I plan on taking my mini-me around to get them all for her home instance too. It would be really fun to have other animals that you could collect up, ferrets would be my vote. They could hide stuff all over your home instance.

A couple of cats plus 9 you mean?

9 new fantastic cats have appeared!

A couple of cats plus 9 you mean?

9 new fantastic cats have appeared!

9 more! :o Do you know where they are?

m e s m e r <3

A couple of cats plus 9 you mean?

9 new fantastic cats have appeared!

9 more! :o Do you know where they are?

Yes, as I already got all of them. Each one only takes a certain food from a certain class. For example, the Revolting Cat only takes grumble cake from a necromancer.

Asura characters: Zerina | Myndee | Rissa | Jaxxi | Feyyt | Bekka | Sixx | Akee | Tylee | Nuumy
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.

Ha! I saw that cat, and it even 'Meow'ed at me, and I never even thought about the 'cat' collection.

Silly me!

If the Devs keep adding cats to locations, will we (who feed them) all eventually become 'crazy cat ladies'? =P

Already there, personally.

If they want to go gender neutral they could use "Cat Wrangler" instead.

I prefer "Cat Herder."

Cat hoarder*

Alas, I have neither the Grumble Cake for the Necromancer, nor the soup for the Guardian.

Some day…

Alas, I have neither the Grumble Cake for the Necromancer, nor the soup for the Guardian.

Some day…

I know, I had to make a thief, then somehow get him up to Hrathi Hinterlands without getting killed every three steps to get the soulbound item to feed the delinquent cat.

Asura characters: Zerina | Myndee | Rissa | Jaxxi | Feyyt | Bekka | Sixx | Akee | Tylee | Nuumy
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.

Luckily, I have a Thief, and all other Professions at L80, other than Revenant, which was super easy to do in the PvP Lobby.

I just don't remember ever receiving any Grumble Cakes, or if I did, I consumed them, I guess. Which would be odd for me, as I always keep one of just about everything the game offers.

And, I don't have enough of either currencies needed to purchase the soup recipe. Yet.


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